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Gerard Depardieu

Gérard Depardieu vodka

Gérard Depardieu vodka is made from high-quality grain alcohol Belalfa using artezian water. Vodka is treated with birch activated charcoal, in addition – relic natural flint. It is made under the control of the famous French actor and winemaker Gérard Depardieu.
Ingredients: Purified drinking water, rectified ethyl alcohol from Belalfa food raw materials.
Taste characteristics:
Balanced soft, clean aroma and pleasant aftertaste with a light sweetness inherent in vodka.

Gerard Depardieu

 Gérard Depardieu Wines

Halfway Angers and Saumur in the heart of Anjou, the Château de Tigné resisted for ten centuries to the assaults of time. Scars of religious wars and revolution, brands of men who loved and betrayed, bruised Tigné is a castle.


The Champagne house is located in Chatillon sur Marne, in the heart of Marne Valée. From several generations of ancestors wineries, the SMEJ-VELY family assumes the continuation of the family farm.
The wines are produced from three varieties: Pineau Meunier, Chardonnay and Pinot Black

Runner Cremant d'Alsace

A 12 km south of Colmar, Pfaffenheim enjoys a microclimate that ensures the vines maximum sunlight and rainfall among the lowest in France. Its clay-limestone soil is also the ground upon the great vineyards. Area of ​​4 hectares created in 1942 by Clement Runner, resumed in 1976 by his son Francis, with the same passion and the same objective quality. The development achieves 7.5 hectares of vineyard in 1980. Claude Francis, son of Francis, fits into the family business which now has 12 hectares. Clement, Claude Francis and Francis, the family tradition combining innovation and love of a profession.

Brasserie "Britos" was created in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria in record time and investment exceeds 10 millions euro.

For the first time in decades, the country has opened a new brewery.
Technology and GEA Brewery Systems machines are the latest in the brewing industry, which makes the factory, now unique for Bulgaria and the Balkans unprecedented. Machinery companies worldwide leading technological units for high capacity brewing.
Annual capacity is 20 million liters and the recipe was developed by Bulgarian technologists in collaboration with the Institute of beer of Berlin. The perfection of the technology, does not allow the slightest deviation from the recipe in the production of beer